MG Herbs - The Naked Naturopath
Melissa Gearing is The Naked Naturopath, and not just because she likes to get her kit off! Mel is passionate about stripping back the seemingly complicated advice that surrounds us in the world of health and wellness. With six years experience in health food and three clinic spaces seeing clients one on one, she is able to answer all of your health questions straight up. Mel has never been one to beat around the bush and is fast talking and acting in life, providing answers that give you the knowledge and tools to make a change. Mel doesn’t believe in fads, one-offs or short term fixes and aims to give simple, balanced and practical advice when it comes to the health of you and your family. On this podcast, Mel will educate you on the use of herbs for healing purposes, the same way we can use food as medicine for chronic disease and preventative medicine. This is traditionally what herbal medicine was; The head of the house (usually the woman) would have an arsenal of local her...

Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
TNN 100: Celebrating 100 With Conscious Couples
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Happy to be celebrating our 100th episode of this podcast! With special guests Cindra and Luke from Conscious Couples ( and Sam, my husband.
Reminiscing on our past one hundred episodes, we want to say a big THANKYOU to you all for being on this journey with us. Mel talks about the evolution of this podcast and where we are today.
The four of us discuss everything from relationships to being a holistic health provider, exercise as medicine and what does being conscious looks like. We talk about honesty within our relationships and the reality of self-development in long term relationships, giving some real-life examples of stuff from our own marriages.
We know you will resonate with this episode and get an insight into behind the scenes of the podcast too!
For more on Cindra and Luke, head to their Insta @consciouscouplescoaching and follow us on @mgherbs_thenakednaturopath
We are taking a little break from podcasting, so please head back and check out our catalogue of episodes. Mel is continuing to see clients online and you can book at
Thank YOU for listening and subscribing and giving us a reason to keep making this podcast.
We love you and will be back soon xo
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Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
TNN 99: Covid-19
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
First of all, I am thinking of all of you! Hope you are safe and well. We will get through this together.
I wanted to jump in and share my thoughts on the current pandemic and offer support and assistance as much as I can. I sent this information out in my newsletter to my clients, but thought it valuable to share with you all!
On this episode, I share my tips and insights on this time and what we can do to stay healthy, both physically and mentally.
I created a loose “routine” with activities myself and my daughter can do throughout the day, including meal times. Staying calm is important, controlling your stress response assists your immune system.
Switching off is vital, controlling what is coming in and the sources we are being exposed to. Connecting with other people, via the phone and video calling technology, has been a saving grace for me!
Finding ways to experience joy will have a physiologically positive effect on you too.
Boost your immune system with echinacea, andrographis, astragalus (not for autu-immune affected people) and elderberry are useful herbs. Seek advice from your holistic health practitioner.
Essential oils are all anti-microbial (better than anti-bacterial), so use them everywhere! Lavender, lemon, clove, tea tree, eucalyptus. I have made a herbal hand sanitisers, available on my website.
I have immune packs on sale too! And still seeing clients online.
Tune in to hear more of my tips and ways I can support you and head over to for immune packs, hand sanitiser and to book your online consults.
Thankyou as always for tuning in, if you have a moment we would love for you to leave a rating and review on iTunes!
Until next time, take care of yourselves xo
The post TNN 99: Covid-19 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
TNN 98: Love Your Guts Retreat with Steph de Sousa
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
The wonderful Steph de Sousa joins me on the podcast today, to talk all about our upcoming retreat, Love Your Guts!
Steph is a former contestant on the MasterChef TV show, fellow podcaster and author. We love working together and always have so much fun when we do, so we’re super excited to bring this exclusive retreat to you.
We talk about what this retreat is NOT and what the weekend away with us will include. Your retreat experience will include wine and fun, as well as learning, relaxing and meeting like-minded people!
On this episode, we discuss why we are making this retreat plant based, what your experience will be like, how we’ll address wastage in the kitchen and so much more.
We know this will inspire you to book your spot away with us in May – And yes, this event is going ahead!
Book here –
And follow Steph on Insta @steph.j.desousa and myself @mgherbs_thenakednaturopath
We can’t wait to see you at this amazing event, hosted at Cabins In The Clouds in the Hunter Valley, NSW.
The post TNN 98: Love Your Guts Retreat with Steph de Sousa appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
TNN 97: Mel Talks Publishing
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Mel talks about her publishing journey on this episode! The author of three cookbooks now, with the first two self-published and the last one published with one, then another publishing company.
I recently shared this talk at Natex, an extraordinary natural health conference on the Gold Coast recently. I was nervous to do this presentation because it’s pretty candid and it does get very honest!
Mel shares the many hurdles in creating a book, in self-publishing and promoting and talks through her experience with a publisher, which didn’t work out, and then finally onto a second edition with a second publisher.
If you are considering publishing a book, listen closely! And if not, this is an eye-opening and enlightening episode anyways.
To get your copy of Mel’s latest book, From Peasants Food To Superfoods, head to
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Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
TNN 96: Talking All Things Supplements With Nikki Warren
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Special and regular guest Nikki Warren (creator of Naturobest) is on the podcast again this episode!
We chat about the quality of supplements in Australia and regulation of these, MTHFR and the controversy in the western medical world about this, anxiety and methylation, dosage of folate and SO much more information about these topics.
You’ll find out about how useful health information is often covered up, an expose of cheap over the counter supplements and how they can be detrimental to you as well.
If you are interested in the wonderful Naturobest range, you can see Nikki’s website and make an appointment with me to find out which ones would be best for you. I would also love to support you with fertility and pregnancy support.
For more on me, head to and follow me on Instagram @mgherbs_thenakednaturopath
If you have a moment, I would so much appreciate a star rating and review to help this podcast reach more people! And feel free to share too.
Thanks as always for listening in!
The post TNN 96: Talking All Things Supplements With Nikki Warren appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
TNN 95: Dr Andrea “The Sperm Whisperer”
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Dr Andrea Huddleston joins me on the podcast to talk all things SPERM and fertility. I have done many podcasts about women’s fertility and menstruation thus far, it’s about time we spoke about the penis-holding humans out there!
I was struck by this fact on Andrea’s podcast and decided we NEEDED to discuss this on the podcast – Did you know sperm counts have halved worldwide in the last forty years?! In Australia, male infertility is the number one cause of infertility. It’s time to get onboard!
On this episode, we talk ALL about men’s reproductive health. It’s essential, it’s necessary for fertility and it’s not talked about enough. So listen in fellas!
It’s easier for males to improve their reproductive health than women’s, and there is so many things that factor in. Diet, lifestyle, environment all come into play and we talk about how to start addressing these factors.
A MUST LISTEN – get your partners, parents, kids and put this on whilst you’re driving to get this message across to the males in your life.
Tune into Andrea’s podcast The Wellness Women, also on The Wellness Couch, and find out more about her at
Find out more about us at and follow us on Instagram at @mgherbs_thenakednaturopath
If you have a spare moment, we’d love you to review this episode on iTunes.
Thanks as always for listening!
The post TNN 95: Dr Andrea “The Sperm Whisperer” appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
TNN 94: Vaginal Seeding
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
This episode, my good friend and fellow naturopath Cheree Sheldon, joins us for an episode all about pregnancy – before, during and after. Cheree is incredibly researched based, and we wanted to come together to discuss a listener query regarding “vaginal seeding”, that is, when doctors swab the mother’s vagina and wipe the vaginal fluid on baby’s body, face and mouth following a c-section birth.
We start by playing a clip from the British Medical Journal, introducing vaginal seedings – what they are, what they involve and how it can help. We speak about the ever changing research about microbiome shared between mother and baby and what impact this can have.
Cheree shares her knowledge about influencing microbiome in babies and how vital this is in the first two years of their lives.
Ultimately, it’s your body and your baby, informed consent and this is something we’re very passionate about!
So much juicy info and conversations within this episode, especially for parents or parents-to-be.
For more on Cheree, see and follow her at @chereesheldon_nutrition
And for more on us, come follow @mgherbs_thenakednaturopath and grab our re-released latest book at
Thanks so much for listening as always, if you’re on iTunes, we’d love if you could give us a quick rating and review! Cheers in advance.
The post TNN 94: Vaginal Seeding appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
TNN 93: Mel Gets Interviewed By Tammy Guest
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Mel was lucky enough to be interviewed by Tammy Guest for her podcast, The Natupreneur Movement.
We speak about everything – From where the “naked naturopath” name came from, to the ins and outs of my publishing journey, to who we help in the clinic and so much more.
We talk about living a the life of a cookbook creator, what it takes to get the recipes onto paper and how this spills into life.
It was amazing to be the one interviewed for a change, and we know you will get so much out of this interview!
Definitely check out Tammy’s podcast, The Natupreneur Movement on iTunes and her website
For more on Mel, follow us on Instagram @mgherbs_thenakednaturopath and check out our website
Thanks for listening! If you have time to rate and review our podcast, simply scroll to the bottom of the podcast and click on the stars!
The post TNN 93: Mel Gets Interviewed By Tammy Guest appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
TNN 92: Stress And Anxiety Specialist Susie Garden
Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Stress and anxiety specialist Susie Garden joins me on this episode! Susie helps women feeling stressed, fatigued and anxious find their way back to a clear mind, a healthy body and a life that lights them up through her Wellness Clinic in Brisbane, divine Wellness Retreats and group program, The Anxiety Taming Method, as well as her podcast called The Wellness Glow.
Together, we discuss managing stress, trauma and mental health, diet and mind-body techniques, the gut-brain connection and so much more. Susie came to be interested in stress management from a long career in the corporate world, where she experienced severe burnout from her busy lifestyle. Yoga “saved her life” as she turned to self-care and a massive lifestyle change to heal herself and go on to share this with others.
A relatable and thoroughly interest episode! For more on Susie, head to her website and follow her on Instagram at @susiegardenwellness
For more on Mel, head to our website and follow us @mgherbs_thenakednaturopath
Thanks for listening! If you have a moment, we’d if you could pop a review and rating on iTunes so more people can hear and learn about wellness.
Until next time xxx
The post TNN 92: Stress And Anxiety Specialist Susie Garden appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
TNN 91: With Dr Diana Driscoll
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
We are honoured to have Dr. Diana Driscoll on the podcast for this informative and interesting episode.
Dr D is an internationally recognised researcher, inventor, speaker, author and patient advocate. An optometrist by education, she was disabled for over a decade with “invisible illnesses”. Now fully recovered, she is the recipient of two patents to date and continues her research as President of Genetic Disease Investigators. She is the founder and Clinical Director of POTS Care — the only clinic dedicated to treating the underlying medical causes of POTS — not just the symptoms.
On this episode, Dr Diana takes us through her own health challenges and those of her children, the recovery from her own research and discoveries, ultimately, what lead her to doing the amazing work she does today.
The definition and implication of POTS is discussed, as well as the importance of the vagus nerve and how this dysfunction can affect the entire bodily system.
So much to learn from this episode! For more on Dr Diana and her books, head to and
Thanks so much for listening! If you have a moment, we would love if you could rate and review this episode on iTunes, simply scroll to the bottom of the podcast and click “Ratings & Reviews”.
For more on us, head to and follow us on Insta @mgherbs_thenakednaturopath
The post TNN 91: With Dr Diana Driscoll appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
TNN 90: With The Queen Of Stress!
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Dr Maria Zuschmann joins me today on the show! Dr M is a Chiropractor, Personal Performance Coach and Author and has a passion for helping the community to feel and function better in all aspects of their lives. She has a podcast too, called Queen Of Stress, also on The Wellness Couch.
We talk all about her book, what she has learnt from working one on one with clients and what her own journey with stress management has been like. Maria shares how she came to be a chiropractor and how this practice works holistically.
I love Maria’s approach to what she does and we had so much fun recording this episode together!
Maria would love you to come follow her on Insta (@drmariaz), connect in her FB group ( and check out her website (
Thanks as always for listening!
We love your reviews – If you have two minutes to spare, please jump onto iTunes, scroll to the bottom of the podcast feed and rate this episode. We’d be so thankful.
Until next time x
The post TNN 90: With The Queen Of Stress! appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
TNN 89: All About Mel!
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Absolutely blown away by the news that I am number FOUR on the list of top twenty naturopathic podcasts. This news blew me away and a quick shout out to Feedspot for this incredible mention. You can find more podcasts on this list here –
In the light of this, I thought it was time I shed some light on myself, my journey and more about why I do what I do. Talking about myself is NOT my strength, but something I have embraced, as I know many of you relate to my story and experiences.
So enjoy this glimpse into my path into naturopathy, writing cookbooks and everything else in between!
Thank you so much for tuning in – If you had a few moments and could rate and review this episode, more people would be able to access this podcast and we’d be super grateful.
For more on me, please head to and follow me @mgherbs_thenakednaturopath
The post TNN 89: All About Mel! appeared first on The Wellness Couch.